Sunday, August 16, 2009

So I have decided to really learn how to sew !

Ok... so I have been pregnant for 37 weeks... the house is kind of ready.... I have been on bedrest for approximately 3 and a half weeks. So I have done what any other good loyal crafter would have done. I have decided to add a new craft to my life. SEWING ! WOOOOO HOOOO ! I have dabbled in sewing here and there but thats it I am going to learn. I feel the same way now that I did when I took up crocheting approximately 6 years ago. I have always wanted to learn how to sew and I really want to be very good at it. So here I am armed with my stash of fabric (i always new I would use it someday... yes I am a craft stasher), my taylor 935 FA sewing machine, my owners manual and some great sewing books or at least they looked cool enough to buy and some guts... here I go. I kind of feel like Julie Powell who blogged about learning to cook through Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking... but oh well here I go not afraid....

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