Sunday, October 12, 2008

Missing In Action

It has been a long time since I have been able to blog but I have "written" so many blogs in my head already. So many things have happened. I have not heard back from the producers at Martha Stewart but we shall see. God is faithful. I have been hard at work trying to make my Etsy business sucessful ( My sales have risen with the onset of cooler weather. Praise God! I am now up to 12 sales. I have also been working on patterns for sale as well. I will hopefully be able to blog on a more regular basis now. I have also switched my full time job from a office setting to now I am a physical therapist in a school setting. I am so excited. I hope all is well with my readers and hope to hear from you all soon. Don't hesitate to post. Please check out my other new blog at . It is a great place to check out charity projects for crafters alike.
Creative Director- East End Home Arts